Rise up O Lord to hear me, for Your silence will not be matched by my own.
Many are the considerations of my soul, You know them well. Many are the thoughts of my mind, Your attention to them is broad. Come down, my fear, and listen to the One who made you. You made us to walk in Your statutes, to worship after You; That we desire deeply the knowledge of our God. Yet, in this condition, we can only know so well. For the sin we hold keeps You veiled. But, have we sinned more than those of old? How have you once spoken plainly to your servants But from us You withhold Your speech? Have we sinned more than those of old? For those who despise Your words once spoken, Who teach others to despise Your commands, Do I not wish for them failure? Those who rob us of what words we have from You. Every word from You proves true And in the silence, I will recall them The words You have spoken to me through Your servants You will make alive in these deafened ears. The Lord rises, and He has heard my call For His promise stands in the silent halls: “The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them.” Hear me this day, for I trust in you.