"After washing the hands and the bringing in of lights, each is asked to stand forth and sing, as he can, a hymn to God-either one from the Holy Scriptures or one of his own composing."
Tertullian, c.197 A.D.
Tertullian, c.197 A.D.
This song is donated to the public domain. Verse 1 O join me in a hymn to God, whose Word has set me free! He from the dust hath formed us to reign eternally. Judge not the Lord by weakened sense, His Word will prove true: It is He who stands as judge on Earth to maketh all things new! Verse 2 O sin that causes us to trust in rank authorities, Against you stands a frightful Word that echoes through the trees: “Your hope is built on nothing more than weak minds and lore. The One who made you sent His Word to meet and save the poor.” Verse 3 We cast from us our fleshliness and on our God rely: “In Christ alone our Righteousness” will ever be our cry. Elect from every land on Earth our God loses none. We await that day when we will stand before His throne as one! Verse 4 From tongue to tongue and land to land the Word of God we take, To walk the ground that God hath trod before we ever spake Of God the judge who saves by grace; those who are enemies He raises up with Christ their Lord to sit in heavenlies. Verse 5 The gods that rule this present age do tremble at His gaze, They can not give what He provides: a hope for all our days. We join our voices in this hymn with tongues yet unknown That God our Father, strong to save, will not forsake His own. ![]()
This song is donated to the Public Domain Lyrics: Verse 1 The Word of God sent down from Heav'n To die and set us free; The message of His Kingdom come: "Repent! On Christ believe!" Refrain: So take the word to shores unheard; His mighty death proclaim! To tell of Christ the Risen Lamb And praise His glorious name! Verse 2 The prophets sent from God to man To tell them of His word; The promise of the coming King: "Thus says the mighty Lord!" Verse 3 For, every tongue and tribe on earth His church to live within And preach of Christ the hope of all: "Abundant life in Him!" Verse 4 We too are sent from God to man To tell them of His Word! May God our Father give us strength To preach till all have heard! Free sheet music below: ![]()
This song is donated to the Public Domain. Lyrics: Verse 1 I've found hope in God the King of Heaven, He my Rock and shore will always be. What a love, to come and die in my place! What a God to offer up Himself! "Saved alone by God's good grace and pleasure: Filling me with peace I've never known. This my claim, my humble adoration: I am safe within my Father's home." Verse 2 Ever since creation He has called me To His presence where I'll find all joy. Forming me to be more like my Savior, By my side as Holy Comforter. "Sanctified! My God You're always working, Bringing me into your Presence. I see You beginning Your work on me; Now I'll watch for when You will complete." Verse 3 There are times when trials seem to take me From the safety of my Father's plan. When this world comes crushing down upon me May I come to Him with open hands: "Turn to me and heal my broken spirit! Give me grace because the night is long." Through the tears, I'll look up to my Savior, hear Him say, "I'm with you all along." Verse 4 This is peace, to see my growth that comes from All the trials that I so often fear. Evidence that God is at work in me; Now I'll sing with all the saints long passed: "Hope again, for God is always for us, Giving peace the world has never known. He to you will be a faithful Father If in faith you press into His grace." Free sheet music below: ![]()
AuthorTimothy Easley Songs